
Reserve a spot

There is no need to reserve your spot at this time.  The "Add To Cart" feature is currently active on all services.  Be sure to use code ny15 at checkout for 15% off your order.  This is good until the end of January 2025.  


This $50 reservation fee is NON REFUNDABLE and will go towards your frame package. 


To purchase your place in line, click the product card below titled "Reservation."  Please mae sure you create a customer account and are logged in before you purchase your reservation spot.  When creating your account, please use a reliable email and phone number.  That way there are no issues contacting you when it's your turn to finalize your order. 


No changes can be made to your order once it's placed.  To ensure you get exactly what you want, I'll be calling you to discuss all the details of your project.  Please don't send your frame in until we've spoken on the phone and it's your turn to place an order.  Also, do not send your gun in the case.  Just send it in a plain carboard box.  I don't have space in my safe room for Glock cases, etc. 


Lead times depend on what the current batch of frames in my shop need.  Some projects are simple and some are more complex which will affect lead times.  It could be 4 weeks or it could be 8 weeks.  It could be more or it could be less.  If your project includes cerakote and/or slide milling, this will extend your lead time.  Please understand that there is no EXACT timeframe other than this rough window that I can give you.  Please take note of my original lead time quote to you during our call and don't constantly inquire about the progress unless it's after that lead time quote.


To see what stage of production your project is in, check the list below the "Reservation" product card.   


Thank you VERY MUCH for putting your trust in Shogun Customs!

The Shop Queue

Last updated 02-05-25

1. Glock 43x - Received

2. Glock 20 - Received

3. Glock 19 - Received

4. Glock 17 - Received

5.  Rene G - Prep stage

6.  TF - At Cerakote 

7.  Xander - Done.  Waiting on Slide

8.  Michael W - Done.  Waiting for Shogun barrel

9.  Tactical Pontoon - Final stage

10.  John S - At Cerakote

11.  Stephon M - Prep Stage

12.  Brandin P - At cerakote

13.  Pedro G - At cerakote

14.  Pedro G - At cerakote

15.  Caren T - Finished.  Waiting on Shogun barrel

16.  Daniel V - Prep stage




Received - I have received your package.  No work has been started yet. 

Prep Stage - This is where fabrication of the frame starts. 

At Cerakote - Frame is no longer at our shop.  We are waiting on our coater to spray your project.  

Back From Cerakote - Your project is back at the shop.  

Final Stage - All fabrication and cerakote is done.  All that need to be done is stippling.  

Stippling Stage - Your frame will be on the bench and completed when your frame is next. 

Done - Your project is complete. 

Done And Shipped - Your project has left our shop and is now in route to you or your FFL.