I’ve been a student of martial arts my whole life, and because of that, I’ve grown very fond of eastern culture and philosophy. We as warriors and human beings should live by a code. In Japanese culture, this code is known as Bushido. Although there are many translations of this code, they all embody the same code of conduct. Justice. Courage. Compassion. Respect. Politeness. Integrity. Honor. Loyalty. Self Control. Mastery. Everyday, I try to bring these virtues into my personal life as well as my professional life.
The Shogun brand was built on these virtues. Courage in taking risk with design concepts. Respect for those who came before me as well as the power these weapons hold. Politeness to those I interact with. Integrity in how I treat my customers. Striving for mastery of my craft so that I can better serve others. Self control by listening when I’d rather speak.
My customers pay my bills. Period. And because of this, I try to exercise gratitude every morning I wake. And when it’s time to get to work, I treat every frame with the highest level of attention and care. I strive to turn frames into not only a work of art, but a weapon that the warrior is proud to wield. My wish is that when a customer gets their frame back, they are filled with a feeling they can’t even explain. All they know is, they love how it looks and they love how it feels in their hands. And most importantly, they are happy they put their trust in Shogun Customs.
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